Speciality Film > Thermoplastic Polyurethane Film(TPU)
PFC(Plastic Film Company., Ltd.)
¡á Optical Glazing Application
Aliphatic polyether polyurethane sheet is used as an optical interlayer in encapsulated architectural and security glazing applications. Security glazing protects against ballistic, forced entry, and explosive threats in commercial, governmental, residential and transportation (including automotive) applications, among others.
These polyether-based films are designed specifically as an adhesive between layers of dissimilar materials, such as glass, polycarbonate and/or acrylic. Polyurethane can absorb the large thermal and mechanical shocks common among security glazing, offers years of service life without delamination, provides UV screening protection, and stays tough and flexible over a wide temperature range.
Typical Applications
- Prisons/Jails
- Banks
- Retail Facilities (e.g. Jewelry Stores, Convenience Stores)
- Government Facilities (e.g. Embassies)
- Hurricane Force Glazing
- Automotive
- Armored Vehicles
- Public Transit (e.g. Train, Bus, etc.)
- Aircraft (e.g. Military and commercial)
¡á Electronic/Electric, Transport, and Sports Application
This thermoplastic polyurethane thin films produced by extrusion gives the excellent physical property unlike goods processed by casting, calender, solution method, etc. Because it performs hot extrusion molding without containing additives such as lubricant, stabilizer, plasticizer, vinylchloride and solvent.
- Features
- Strong wear resistance
- Excellent property at low temperature
- Endurable to oil and gasoline
- Strong against bend and tear
- Laminating with other materials such as fabric, non-woven fabric, paper and plastic films
- Strong adhesiveness
- Separate sheet is attached to the film so as to be suitable for the secondary process as a principle.
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